a question…

Does anyone know where the saying "you must have killed a china-man" comes from?  Is it an Australian thing?  It's a bit weird.  I'm intrigued do other countries have different sayings for "gee you're having a run of bad luck at the moment!"?  (That's what our very odd saying translates as I think!)  I would [...]

By |2008-01-29T09:43:21+00:0029.01.2008|

Look out London

Crumbs! Joey and Greg are coming to London. We've decided to pack up our lives in Melbourne and become itinerants for a while. Starting with good ol' London town. Why? Oodles of reasons really... I promise I will divulge more over the next few posts. But the main reason is why not?! We're getting lots [...]

By |2008-01-15T09:23:43+00:0015.01.2008|

i love my friends

Hey! I'm in wodonga. That's almost as far north in victoria that you can get before it turns into new south wales. Its a country town where they notice the drought. Its dry here in australia. I'm here with Greg and our two friends who we're starting one of our businesses with. They have a [...]

By |2008-01-13T21:35:33+00:0013.01.2008|

A great idea of a friend of mine

Hi guys, Check out this video (its not the most visually spectacular, but the message is a good one!) Worth having a look at their website and seeing how creative some entrepreneurs are ou there! Cheers, j xx

By |2023-06-11T06:34:15+00:0005.01.2008|
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