The Capability Trap and Its Cost on Women

Most women start their business as a form of self expression. Or to add a little extra income to the family account. They dream of it being something that will fit in around family, their relationships, and taking care of themselves. I refer to this kind of business as “The Ultimate Lifestyle Business”. It’s fun, [...]

By |2011-10-04T15:13:17+00:0004.10.2011|

Hormones, Havoc and Women in Business

I'm at the Isle of Wight with my team this week, and it becomes clear when we all get together in the same room that we are a very female dominant team. Poor old Greg (or lucky old Greg- depending on how you look at it) is surrounded by 5 women at this little holiday [...]

By |2023-06-11T06:33:20+00:0017.07.2011|
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