How Do You Protect Your Time?

As business owners, we are great multi-taskers – whether it’s at home or in the work environment. We’re so used to multi-tasking that we don’t always stop to assess whether the task currently being worked on is actually adding to our bottom line... or just depleting our energy. We can solve the drop in energy [...]

By |2023-06-11T06:32:49+00:0022.10.2013|

Big Lifestyle Business Goals Need Big Action!

Reading through my Facebook newsfeed the other evening, I saw a definite theme of life-shifting happening in the lives of my friends right now – powerful changes and relocations.As I sat there enjoying the updates, it got me thinking. You joined my Lifestyle community to learn how to create a lifestyle business that fits around [...]

By |2023-06-11T06:32:50+00:0024.09.2013|

Where Is The Love?

Are you so caught up in your business that you can’t separate yourself from your brand? If your business is criticised, does that feel like a slight on you personally?I hear time and time again from women who are holding themselves back, unable to make difficult, but necessary, decisions in their business, because they believe [...]

By |2023-06-11T06:32:51+00:0027.08.2013|

When Giving and Receiving Feedback Goes Wrong!

Choosing who you spend time with is so important for your success. How many times have you felt totally inspired by a great new business idea, shared it with a close friend or relative... only for them to turn around and pour scorn all over it?That’s why it is really powerful to surround yourself with [...]

By |2023-06-11T06:32:52+00:0001.08.2013|

What Magazines Can Tell You About Niching Your Business?

No doubt you’ve heard me talking about why it’s so important that you are niching your business before. You may have already started working on your niche already... but today I want to introduce you to the concept of magazine research.How you can use magazines to help you get clarity around niching your business.Step one [...]

By |2023-06-11T06:32:54+00:0023.05.2013|
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