Success in business: Are you inviting the magic?

Isn’t the universe awesome?! I love how when you come up against a challenge or problem in your business and then bam! All of a sudden as if from nowhere the universe appears with the solution. Are you feeling in flow with the universe right now too? You know, when your business is connected to [...]

By |2023-06-11T06:33:18+00:0002.02.2012|

Gran’s 90th & Merry Christmas!

At my Business Planning events I do a visualisation process where I have people imagine their 90th birthday party... who is there, what they've achieved and what they are being celebrated for.  This last weekend I went down to Tasmania to celebrate my Grandmother's 90th birthday.  It was so amazing and really got me thinking [...]

By |2023-06-11T06:33:25+00:0023.12.2010|

Greetings from Bermuda!

Greetings from Bermuda!  The great news is we didn’t get lost in the triangle and the even better news is we’ve been having an amazing time with our mastermind group. You know the old saying, your network is your networth, well it’s never more potent when you’re part of a double platinum mastermind group with [...]

By |2023-06-11T06:33:26+00:0002.12.2010|
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