Reducing The Feelings Of Isolation As A Home Worker

If you are a home worker it can become very isolating if you don’t regularly get to be in the company of others. We often begin our journey into running our own business having only known the corporate lifestyle of “water cooler chats” and social evenings spent in the pub... but as a home worker [...]

By |2023-06-11T06:33:15+00:0005.04.2012|

The Secret Is a Positive Mental Attitude

Have you ever thought that some people seem to get a lot of lucky breaks in their life yet others appear to face a never ending stream of challenges? Perhaps you’ve experienced taking one step forward and two steps back during your journey towards your ultimate lifestyle? Why do you think this happens? Are we [...]

By |2023-06-11T06:33:15+00:0022.03.2012|

Help my sister’s dream for a better world come true!

Hi guys, Like myself, my sister is one of those people who is pretty good at making things happen.  This latest venture of hers reminds me so much of the Greek hero Aristeus- so I thought a little bit of a helping hand can't hurt... If you care about the environment.... read on.. After my [...]

By |2008-12-04T17:25:06+00:0004.12.2008|

I love what I do!

Woohoo! I was just looking over the P&L for last financial year... and you know what?  I am so glad that I got over my stuff about earning money.  Otherwise the impact we can make would have been so small! As many of you know Greg and I are tithers.  We don't usually carry on [...]

By |2008-09-05T04:00:14+00:0005.09.2008|
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