What Magazines Can Tell You About Niching Your Business?

No doubt you’ve heard me talking about why it’s so important that you are niching your business before. You may have already started working on your niche already... but today I want to introduce you to the concept of magazine research.How you can use magazines to help you get clarity around niching your business.Step one [...]

By |2023-06-11T06:32:54+00:0023.05.2013|

7 Traits Of Ineffective Leaders

As a lifestyle business owner, you are likely to become a leader at some stage in your business. You may not yet be at the stage of employing staff, but even outsourcers require leadership... and the outcome of these relationships depends on your effective leadership.I’m 37 weeks gone now, so officially “full term” which is [...]

By |2023-06-11T06:32:55+00:0025.04.2013|
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