Catalyst is not a mastermind that focusses on one, tunnel vision strategy for business growth. Those sorts of groups may be helpful for very specific businesses in their early phases of growth. But Catalyst is grounded in business fundamentals, applicable across industries and independent of founder personality.
It is for businesses who have achieved their “proof of concept” and are ready to scale.
Think of it as your Board of Advisors who bring their wisdom to bear in helping you to identify the best moves to achieve your growth and impact ambitions, in the simplest possible way.
We will help you to stay true to your mission, shape your strategy and hold you to account as you execute… all whilst ensuring your energy levels are sustainable.

Catalyst is organised around the 7-pillars of impact
What makes catalyst so unique?
There are other mastermind programs out there. With some great business minds at the helm. Indeed, Jo has trained the founders of many, and been a member of a good deal more. For this reason, and from the feedback of current members, we know for a fact there is nothing like Catalyst in the UK. You will find our unique blend of qualities truly stands us apart.
At least half of what pulls a female founder off her game has nothing to do with business, and everything to do with juggling families, and a belief in oneself. Jo is equal parts soul mentor and business mentor. And is unafraid to call it when she sees a woman out of alignment with her calling.
Most women’s business groups in the UK are full of startups. We celebrate them. They are brilliant breeding grounds for the impactful leaders of tomorrow. But Catalyst is the mastermind for those who have the capacity to be those leaders today. We specialise in unleashing female founders who are already doing good things and support them to step into their greatness now.
No other business mastermind for women focusses as strongly on your financial measurements and sustainability. Having done it personally twice, and mentored dozens of business owners on the same journey, Jo is adept at guiding businesses to scale from six figure to seven figure revenues, whilst maintaining as much profit as possible along the way.
It’s easy for a decent coach to hold someone to account, and keep them in action. But it’s much harder to ensure that each action is actually aligned with the ultimate business direction. There is never more than 12 members of Catalyst, and Jo makes it her mission to understand your business strategy intimately. She is happy to be both supportive and critical in order to challenge your thinking, and stimulate new ideas. Jo’s capacity to hold both the big picture, and to simplify and strip back on the detail means you’ll never waste time on actions that aren’t heading you in the direction that matters.
It’s for all these reasons and more we believe Catalyst is unique among masterminds.
Your mentor and coach – Dr Joanna Martin
Since 2008, Jo has guided, nurtured and supported the growth of many of the inspirational leaders you see speaking around the world today. Her blend of intelligence, intuition and insight have helped thousands to move to their next level of impact.
She has helped business leaders and influencers in the USA, Europe and Australia to re-position, re-package and ultimately find their unique “Leadership Identity”.
She has helped consultants, coaches and service professionals to be rewarded for their wisdom, designing for them elegant business models and effective presentations.
She has helped her CEO clients become sought after thought leaders, and scale their businesses with a keen eye to sustainable, aligned and authentic growth.

A successful entrepreneur in her own right
Jo has started and grown three successful small businesses . Her most loved, One of many® was launched in 2014 and has impacted hundreds of thousands of women and now has Certified Coaches in over 20 countries. Her previous business, Shift Speaker Training was launched in the recession of 2008 and was an instant success – growing to over a million in revenue in it’s first year.
She is co-chair of the Hunger Project UK, a committed financial investor and volunteer- having supported them by training over 90 fundraisers and facilitators globally.
As a woman and she understands the juggle!
And as a soul mentor, as well as a business guide, she can help you stay on path.
What is included as part of your catalyst membership?

Your quarterly retreats will be the lynch-pin to your Catalyst growth and transformation and as such we ask you to commit to attending at least three of the four held each year. We understand that balancing family and business life and securing childcare can be difficult which is why we have built in so much additional value into the Catalyst experience.
The dates for 2025 are:
- 1-3 December 2024
- 19-21 March 2025
- 11-13 June 2025
- 17-19 September 2025
Every retreat is held in a 5* (or equivalent) luxurious destination. Your Catalyst membership fee covers all food and accommodation costs associated with in person retreats. Depending on the venue, rooms will be shared on a twin basis. A few of our members do prefer to be assured a single room for individual reasons, and this can usually be arranged subject to a surcharge. We will ask in advance of our events if anyone would like to share rooms in particular. Travel expenses and alcohol are not included.
Mentoring and Mastermind calls are held on the first and third Fridays of the month from 9:30am-11am. They provide an invaluable space to mastermind with one another to work through your current business challenges, amongst a wealth of experience. They are also a place to reflect, celebrate your wins and deepen the connections with your fellow members and Jo.
- Marketing strategies such as ‘Should I run a Facebook challenge’ and ‘How to encourage people to sign up to a webinar series’
- How to manage a virtual team
- How to negotiate the purchase of a domain from another business owner
- Overwhelm and how to get out of it
- The best interview questions to ask a potential employment candidate
- Should I self-fund or seek investment for growth?
- How do I handle this difficult employee?
- “Great group call tonight. Good to share points of view and ideas.
- “Celebrating! Being so super productive. 5 campaigns in my FB ad funnel and all being tested now. Writing all the newsletter articles up to the end of August!
- Started planning my live event in November, and creating the marketing strategy for it.”
- “Win: am only £3,000 short of my annual revenue target of £160k and I still have 2 months of the year left to go! Amazing!”
- “Really appreciating and loving the support and ass-kicking from my fellow members – I am so glad I joined. Am getting so many hints, tips and ideas that I am sure I will make far fewer mistakes than I would have done otherwise.”

On the eight months that we don’t meet in person, we will host training webinars on key skill sets we identify members need to develop. These may be delivered by one of your fellow members in the field of their particular expertise or by a specialist guest trainer from Jo’s wide network around the world.
As with the mentoring calls, all trainings are recorded and uploaded to the membership site so you can play back if you miss one, or search our extensive back catalogue if you need help with something in particular. Of course you will get the greatest benefit if you attend them live, so please do try and join as many as possible.
We are all available for each other most every day in the Facebook or WhatsApp group. If you’re stuck, come and ask. If you’re inspired or celebrating, come and share.
Your fellow members will be a wealth of experience and knowledge to help you with so many day to day questions. But if you have a particular question for Jo, she will always respond via text or audio/video as soon as she can.
“I firmly believe the best way to work out whether or not I can help you to grow your business is to help you grow your business.“
– Joanna Martin
Most people will not continue into the Catalyst program however, as places are extremely limited (only 12 per year). So either way, you will leave this call with clarity on the most powerful strategy you could employ to grow your business.
Let’s be honest, most people offering 1-1 advice have not achieved the huge global impact that Dr Joanna Martin has. You will rarely see an opportunity like this. Because Jo’s time for 1-1 Leap Strategy Sessions is also extremely limited, not everyone who applies for one will be accepted. Jo is very specific about the types of businesses she knows she can help, and she won’t waste your time (or hers) if there is someone better positioned to help you.