If your business is centred around you, or you’re the main front person of your business then people may be searching for you on Google by reputation. So it’s important that they can find you when they type your name into Google. Also if your name is common enough that there is a few people out there with the same name, then how do you ensure that you are the one coming up top of the results (and preferable dominating the whole of page 1)?

More importantly, what is coming up about you when people search your name? Is it your professional profile with links to your business? Or is it an embarrassing picture of you tagged on facebook when you were drunk on New Year’s Eve? 15% of people have at least 1 negative result on the first page of a Google search for their name.

There are a number of things you can do to improve your rankings on Google for your name and have the right information coming up.

1. Create a Website in Your Name 

Its best if you can register your own name as a domain whether it is .com, .com.au or co.uk. If none of these are available then try for a variation by adding another word or your middle initial. Then create a blog or an authority website in your name, or you can point this domain to the about page on your company website (see next point).

2. Your Business About Us page

If you don’t want to have another website in your name, at the very least make sure your name is on your business about page. This is extra important for your business anyway, as it’s one of the most viewed pages on your website since people will want to know who is behind the business. Have a photo of yourself on there too, tagged with your name. As mentioned above, if you have your own domain name registered, and don’t want an extra website, then you can point this domain name to your about page.

3. Social Media profiles

Make sure all of your profiles have your unique link with your name on them. LinkedIn and Facebook have a lot of Google Authority so these are likely to come up easily with your name. However, if there are a few people out there with your same name, the most updated and recent profiles will get the best rankings so ensure yours are up to date.

Bonus Tip!

Video channels like youtube and vimeo also rank well, so make sure you have your name tagged on professional content so that you can rank with those too. Google like to show a variety of content types, so your videos will likely come up in searches for your name alongside the other things mentioned, which will help you dominate the first page!

 Note: The above is most important for ranking for your personal name, but the same ideas apply for your business name.


Vanessa Rothwell worked for Shift Lifestyle as an in-house web developer and customer experience manager for 2 years while the business went through many high growth phases. Nowadays Vanessa runs her own business “Your Online Success” where she can help you turn your billboard style website into a cash-flow machine. For help with your website and online marketing systems, go to www.youronlinesuccess.com.au.