How much time do you make in your daily life to just sit down and be? Do you ever really make the time to just live in the moment… to appreciate the moments… to recognise where you are in your life, right now?!

If you’re anything like me, then you’ll have tonnes going on at any given moment! Since I’ve been growing our l’il button, I’ve made more time for resting, and I’ve realised just how little I used to appreciate each moment before I was pregnant.

Task overwhelm!

Some days I had SO much to do and found myself getting into that place of dreaded overwhelm… and I’m pretty sure you will recognise this feeling too?

But it’s at those exact points that we need to reconnect and centre ourselves.

Re-connect with yourself

So, next time you find yourself with all these tasks to do and things to complete and a to-do list the length of both your arms, you know what you should do instead? Sit down and meditate.

What you’ll find is that the scary place where you don’t want to go to is actually a really nice place to rest!

When I’ve done this myself, I found that the weird thing was, by taking time out and being with it all, I discovered that half the stuff on my list that I had to get done, wasn’t even aligned with where Greg and I wanted to go!

So I was able to let go of lots of the tasks and simply focus on what was in line with our vision, mission and purpose for the business.

When you reconnect with yourself, then the business truly comes from within.

So, deep breath for this week, stay calm, and reconnect to yourself! True power comes from within.

More and more business owners are undergoing what I refer to as “The Lifestyle Shift”. They are waking up to the fact that they are the boss, and therefore should be able to design their business to fit their lifestyle… not the other way around! It’s YOUR time!

Get Your Lifestyle Shift Here